Kong Crampons Grand Semi-Auto **CLOSEOUT**

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Crampons with automatic fastening. Best for using on hard-soled boots with protruding borders front and back.
Automatic binding, alu alloy, 12 points, universal size, 690g.
KONG crampons are designed for standard climbs and excursions on snow and ice, for crossing glaciers and for alpine skiing. Attention: light alloy crampons are not recommended for climbing up frozen waterfalls.

Crampons with automatic fastening.
Fitting on the crampon:
A. Adjust length
B. Use the roller in the latch to regulate tension of the heeled part
C. Bring the latch alongside the boot.
D. Fasten the strap

Informative note on CE certified KONG products conforming to the 89/686/EEC Directive
Users must carefully read and understand the informative note and instructions for use before using the product. Warning: rock and ice-climbing, double-cord descent, klettersteig, speleology, alpine skiing, canoeing, exploration, rescue work and working at heights are all highly dangerous with possibilities of even lethal accidents. Train yourself to use this article and make sure you fully understand how it works, if you have any doubts, don't run any risks and ask. Remember that this article may be used by qualified skilled persons only, and that you are personally responsible for getting to know and understand this article, how to use it and safety measures to be taken, and that you alone are solely and totally liable for all damages, injuries or death eventually incurred by you or third parties from using all KONG S.p.A. products, of any whatsoever kind. Avoid using this article if you are not able to undertake this responsibility and take these risks.

General information
2.1 - Carry out all the checks described in the specific "instructions for use" for all the products, before use and be particularly sure that the article is:
• in top condition and working correctly,
• suited for the use you intend to make of it: use the techniques shown without crosses only, all other usage is absolutely forbidden: Beware of death!
2.2 - Immediately replace the product if you have any doubts as to its safety and efficiency. Do not use the product after falling into space as its strength could be considerably impaired by eventual invisible breakage or deformations inside. Incorrect use, mechanical deformation, equipment accidentally dropped from a height, wear, chemical contamination, exposure to heat above normal climatic conditions (max 100°C for purely metallic articles and max. 50°C for articles with parts in fabric), are just some examples of other reasons possibly reducing, limiting and even terminating the service life of the article.
2.3 - Users are responsible for using this article correctly.
2.4 - This article may be used in combination with individual protective devices conforming to the 89/686/EEC Directive, compatibly with relevant instructions for use.
2.5 - The resistance or not of natural anchorages in the rocks is not automatically guaranteed, it is therefore essential that users carefully judge for themselves beforehand to ensure adequate protection.
2.6 - For safety's sake, with systems blocking a fall it is essential to:
• always place the anchorage point above the user, where possible,
• use a complete safety belt,
• carry out work with the intent of reducing potential falls and relevant heights to a minimum.
2.7 - The anchorage position is essential for safely blocking a fall:
carefully judge the height of the fall, length of cord and "pendulum" effect to avoid all possible obstacles (e.g. ground, articles scraping against the rocks, etc.).
2.8 - Your life depends on the continual efficiency of your equipment (we thoroughly recommend personal use of equipment) and how it is kept (use, storage, controls, etc.). We strongly recommend having pre and post-use controls carried out by a qualified person. An accurate overhaul by a manufacturer's qualified technician at least once a year is also recommended. The user is responsible for recording and conserving the information given in the "Record" table together with the instructions.

2.9 - KONG S.p.A. shall not be held liable in any way for damages, injuries or death caused by:
improper use, changes made to product, repairs by non-authorized persons or use of non-original spare parts.
2.10 - No special precautions should be taken for transportation, do however avoid contact with chemical reagents or other corrosive substances and protect all the pointed, sharp parts adequately.
Warning: never leave your equipment in cars parked in the sun!
2.11 - Warning: it is compulsory for dealers to have these instructions for use translated for products sold in countries other than those selected by KONG S.p.A.

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